Category Archive for: 2009 Canada and Alaska

Getting home and catching up

Dave and I have returned from our summer in Alaska and Canada and are busy cleaning, sorting and putting away gear. We had some wonderful adventures backpacking, hiking and paddling in many beautiful places.

As soon as we can catch up with ourselves, we’ll be adding photos and stories from the summer to this site. As well, I still need to post the last couple of weeks of my Hayduke Trail notes, which I didn’t have time to get put up in the brief time between trips.

We are well and refreshed, and we’re both ready to get back to work!

Dave’s Hayduke Trail Photos are Up!

The end of the Hayduke Trail trek for us was very busy, and we immediately returned home, swapped gear, and headed north for our summer adventure, so updating the website has been slow! We now have Dave’s photos up in the Photo Gallery and they are terrific. Take a look!

We’ve also added trail notes on water and terrain, our actual mileage and schedule, and other tidbits to the Hayduke Trail Page for those interested in the details. Hopefully this will be helpful for those planning their own Hayduke trek.

We are now writing from White Horse, Yukon in Canada. We just came off a six-day paddle on Atlin Lake, and tomorrow we plan to start the Donjek Trek in Kluane National Park for a week of backpacking, including a visit to the Donjek Glacier!